TC&T was founded in Carrara in the late 1980s, from the idea and the experience gained by some professionals and managers working for the Carrara International Marble and Machinery Fair, at that time the world’s leading exhibition for the stone industry.
The TC&T team started its course by organizing various fairs in Italy, focused on handicrafts and commerce and on the services for bathing facilities.
In 1991, it began to represent the European market for some leading foreign trade fairs dedicated to the stone industry, which enabled the company to open new working relationships with international organizers from Japan to Brazil, from Mexico to Russia, from China to Singapore and from Vietnam to Malaysia. What has always distinguished the company is the reliability that over the years it has been able to offer to its customers by providing them with all the services related to their trade fairs participations, along with a wide proposal of stand designs and projects tailored to their business needs.
CHINA, XIAMEN STONE FAIR – the world’s leading stone industry event held annually in Xiamen. Since 2009 we are the agents of the Chinese organization both in Italy and in Brazil. There are over 25 Italian companies, some of the most important in the field of marble excavation, trade and technology production, who rely on us for the design and construction of their booths and for all the services related to the fair. For Abirochas, the Brazilian Association of Dimensional Stones, we supply the stand project and fitting for a group of about 40 companies.
INDONESIA, JAKARTA STONE FAIR – a dedicated trade fair for the natural stone industry. In 2018 we organized the Italian and the Brazilian pavilions.
CHINA, STONETECH SHANGHAI & BEIJING – For this itinerant trade fair between Shanghai and Beijing we organized as agents, from 1994 to 2009, the participation of the official groups of Greece, Brazil and Morocco and for Italy, in collaboration with the Italian Institute For Foreign Trade, the group of Italian companies.
BRAZIL, VITORIA STONE FAIR – From 2003 to 2009 we organized the participation of the Italian companies and the group participation for Toscana Promotion – Tuscany Region.
UKRAINE, TECHNO + STONE, KIEV – from 2005 to 2009 we organized the Italian pavilion for Toscana Promotion – Tuscany Region.
IRAN, IRAN STONETECH, TEHRAN – for the 2008 edition we organized the Italian participation.
POLAND, KAMIEN, WROZLAW – from 2004 to 2006 we organized the Italian pavilion for Toscana Promotion – Tuscany Region.
ARAB EMIRATES, BIG 5 SHOW, DUBAI – 2004 and 2005 we coordinated the CarraraMarmotec stand in the Tuscany Region pavilion.
TURKEY, MARBLE, IZMIR – in collaboration with Marmomacchine Association we coordinated the Italian participation from 2000 to 2003.
BRAZIL, FEIRA DO MARMORE, SAN PAOLO – From 1992 to 2002 we were the exclusive agents of the fair in Europe for all its editions.
MEXICO, EXPOMARMOL, MEXICO CITY – we organized the Italian pavilion for the editions 2001-2002.
UZBEKISTAN, EXPO STONE ITALIA, TASHKENT- we organized the Italian pavilion for the editions 1999-2000.
RUSSIA, INTERSTONE, MOSCOW – we organized the Italian pavilion for the 1996-2000 editions.
VIETNAM, VIETSTONE, HO CHI MIHN CITY – we organized the European group for the 1996-1997 editions.
MALAYSIA, ASIAN STONE MALAYSIA, KUALA LUMPUR – we organized the European participation for the 1995-1998 editions.
SINGAPORE, ASIAN STONE, SINGAPORE – we organized the Italian participation for the 1996-1998 editions.
INDONESIA, MARBLE & GRANITE, JAKARTA – agents for Italy 1993.
TAIWAN, TAIWANSTONE, TAIPEI – we organized the pavilion Italy, editions 1993-1995.
MEXICO, FEIRA MARMOL, PUEBLA – 1995 we organized the pavilions Italy and Brazil.
JAPAN, JAPAN STONE FAIR, TOKYO – edition 1991 we organized the Italian pavilion.
U.S.A., MARBLE & TILES, ATLANTA – 1990 we organized the Italian participation.
BRAZIL, SAO PAULO- 1989 we organized SISTEMA ITALIA a show dedicated to the marble industry
CARRARA – TUTTI IN FIERA CARRARA BIER FEST – for 30 years we have been organizing the trade and crafts market held in conjunction with SeptemberFest and CarraraBierFest.
CARRARA – EXHIBITION FOR THE RESTORATION OF STONE MATERIALS – we organized the event dedicated to the restoration of stone materials along with CarraraMarmotec, – editions 2002-2003.
CARRARA – CARRARAMARMOTEC – International Marble, Technology and Design Fair, Carrara – we coordinated the promotion and sales abroad – editions 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012.
VERONA – LITHOS RESTORATION OF STONE MATERIALS – we coordinated the event in concomitance with Marmomacc – 1995 edition.
CARRARA – SCHOOL WORK & BUSINESS – we organized the exhibition from 2000 to 2006.
CARRARA – UNDER THE TREE – we organized the Carrara’s Christmas Fair, 1993-1994.
CARRARA – ARTIGIANATO & INFANZIA – we organized the fair dedicated to crafts and infancy, 1989.
CARRARA – SEATIME TEMPO DI MARE – we organized the special event dedicated to the marine bathing facilities, from 1990 to 1996.
REGGIO EMILIA – MOTOR SHOW – we coordinated the event dedicated to the motor industry, 1999-2000
Organization and management of exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Promotion of stone industry fairs.
Design and stand construction.

V.le D. Zaccagna, 6/P
54033 Carrara MS - ITALY
P.IVA: 00490600459
Tel.:+39 0585 70214
Tel.:+39 0585 70343
Fax :+39 0585 779875
Yismes Yunnan Italy Sino Meeting Exhibition Service Co. Ltd.
Jin Zhou wan Lanyu – 5-2 -1402
650224 Kunming, Yunnan, China
Branch office in China